A Triple for #SHV25

Read up on more Board Members!
  • Kyle Kennedy Kerr, a board member since 2015.
  • Oedipus, a founding board member.
  • Jerry Belair, a founding board member.

​Don’t forget your tickets to celebrate with our fabulous board members, plus  Rosanne Cash, Attorney General Healey, Senator Markey, Mayor Walsh, Speaker DeLeo, Survivors, Student Activists and many others at #SHV25!

Be recognized as #SHV25 Champion! Email zoe@stophandgunviolence.org to be a party sponsor.

Turn a Double to Triple

An anonymous friend has joined John’s #SHV25 match challenge!

Your donation is now TRIPLED for Stop Handgun Violence.


One of our most recognized billboard was Bullet Leave Holes promoting safe storage laws.

MA was the first state to enact safe gun storage and child safety laws.





Museum of InComplete

Everyday, nearly 100 lives are left unfinished due to gun violence. These victims leave behind incomplete ideas, goals, dreams and symbols of love. Songs, drawings, poems, unworn clothing, text messages, or anything that reminds of an incomplete life.

If you or a loved one has been affected by gun violence, you may submitt an incomplete artifact to Change the Ref for the Museum of InComplete.

On Our Calendar
  • Oct 20 (Sun) Stop Handgun Violence at Brookfield UU Church.
  • Oct 24 (Thu) Stop Handgun Violence 25th Anniversary Party
  • Oct 28 (Mon) Dr. David Hemenway speaks on the public health crisis.
  • Nov 6 (Wed) Public Health approach to gun violence in Salem.
  • Nov 14 (Thu) Maine Gun Safety Coalition Fitzgerald Award in Portland.
  • Nov 18 (Mon) Gun Violence Prevention Panel in Needham.
  • Nov 18 (Mon) MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence quarterly meeting.
