We are in the final stretch! Take action to bring our priority bill on the floor for a VOTE.
Please contact your own state legislators today, Wednesday December 2, 2020, to ask them to support H.2045/S.1388 An Act Relative To Crime Gun Data Reporting and Analysis.
This bill will require a detailed analysis of MA crime gun trace data to better understand the origins of crime guns. We want House Speaker DeLeo and Senate President Spilka to bring it to the floor for a vote.
Click HERE to send an email to your state representatives to support a vote on H.2045/S.1388.
You can also make a quick call – see the suggested script:
My name is _________. My address is _________. I am calling to ask my representative to contact House Speaker DeLeo and Senate President Spilka to bring a vote on H.2045/S.1388 An Act Relative To Crime Gun Data Reporting and Analysis. People are dying from crime guns, 50% of which come from within MA. We need to know the source of these crime guns so we know how to stop them getting to our streets.
Thank you.
Find your state legislature HERE.
Thank you for your action and to all who gave to our Giving Tuesday campaign!
Stop Handgun Violence Team