Eventful Week in Congress Creates Momentum

Although the House sit-in ended with a discouraging adjournment until after July 4th, states are starting to take their own action on the issue of gun violence. Governor David Ige of Hawaii just signed a bill requiring gun owners to enroll in an FBI database, becoming the first state to do so. Upholding the importance of responsible gun ownership in Hawaii, this new system will alert the FBI when the owner of a firearm is arrested for a criminal offense anywhere in the country.

In Colorado, Rep. Diana DeGette held a rally on the steps of the Denver City and County Building urging lawmakers not to “stand idly by.”

Meanwhile in Massachusetts, the Senate called on federal lawmakers on Monday to consider adopting MA’s model on firearm regulations. The rate of gun deaths in Massachusetts is one of the lowest in the nation.

We hope to see more states taking action on gun violence in the near future.