There was big news from Smith & Wesson shareholders. They voted in favor of issuing a report on gun violence and safety!
On the calendar:
- October 6th (Saturday) – Election Season Launch with South Shore Moms Demand Action.
- October 16th (Tuesday) – David Hogg speaks at Boston Public Library on student actvism and gun control.
- October 19-21st – Student Gun Violence Summit – Washington DC
- October 30th (Tuesday) – Get Out the Vote and volunteer to phone bank with us.
- November 6th (Tuesday) – Election Day
-2018 Election Information-
- Massachusetts voter registration deadline is Tuesday October 17th for the general election on Nov 6th.
- Early Voting in Massachusetts from October 22nd-November 2nd.
The Smith & Wesson Nuns’ shareholders received additional local and national coverage on their win at last week’s annual meeting.
Our founder, John Rosenthal also issued this statement – “This is a seismic shift amongst investors, including some of the largest in the world, BlackRock and Vanguard, flexing their muscle and holding the uniquely unregulated gun companies and their executives accountable in the absence of sensible federal gun regulation.
This is especially significant for American Outdoor Brands who marches in lock step with the NRA but who operates in Massachusetts, the state with the most effective gun laws, the lowest gun deaths and the first in the nation consumer safety manufacturing and marketing standards that regulate guns sold in the State…If American Outdoor Brands and other Massachusetts gun manufacturers want to capitalize on this sea change, they should change their business practices by dumping the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and developing smart gun technology. Not only will they save lives, they will create jobs and thrive economically.”
Watch U2 Adam Clayton give The Concert Across America a shout-out!
Courts rule New Jersey’s ban on large magazines is constitutional.
Pennsylvania State house passes a bill to restrict domestic abusers from owning guns.
California Governor Brown signs gun reform bills into law that ban bump stocks and require training for conceal carry licenses.
One year later, Las Vegas painfully remembers.
Senate Democrats push back on using federal funds to purchase guns for school safety.
Parents top concern over school shootings – is this the new normal?
The NRA is shedding members; membership revenue drops.