Hate Crime in Buffalo

A Hate Crime in Buffalo, New York

New York has strong gun laws that prohibit the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones likely used in this attack. However, neighboring states like Ohio and Pennsylvania do not. One of the guns in the possession of the 18-year old shooter was reportedly purchased in Pennsylvania.

  • New York Congressman Brian Higgins responds to the Buffalo shooting.
  • Buffalo gunman became a racist killer online.
  • Read SHV press statement here:

We agree with New York Congressman Higgins that a federal assault rifle weapons ban is long past due. 

…other hate crimes in the past week.

  • A Las Vegas man who the authorities say opened fire on a Taiwanese congregation at a Southern California church on Sunday May 15th was motivated by hatred. Dr. John Cheng who tried to stop the shooter was killed, plus 5 people were injured.
  • In Dallas, a suspect was finally arrested for a shooting on May 12th where three Korean women were injured. The Police Chief suggests it could be part of a string of similar hate crime incidents targeting Asian businesses.


Thanks to students in Ms. Harvey’s class for hosting SHV! We answered questions on community gun violence and heard what they’re doing to make a difference.







