Meet Jordan, a senior Board Member for 22 years.
I was a graduate student at the time of the Stockton, CA schoolyard shooting, which prompted me to do a year-long study of American gun violence and gun laws. My study convinced me that the problem was a uniquely American one due to lack of political will to address the issue, and have involved with advocacy organizations, first in Pennsylvania and then with SHV, since.
What is your most memorable Stop Handgun Violence campaign?
The series of Mass Turnpike billboards. The power and reach of the messages – each message letting thousands of people each day know everything from gun violence statistics to the faces of some of those who have senselessly lost their lives.
Has gun violence personally impacted you?
While not directly relevant to American gun violence, my high school best friend was killed at age 21 in a terrorist shooting in a European airport, so each time I hear of another shooting, another promising life ended too young, it bring’s John’s shooting death back to me.
What’s your favorite Massachusetts destination?
Hale Reservation!
Fun fact:
I’m an incredibly mediocre drummer who some day will drop my day job and join an incredibly mediocre band.
Submitted 7/28/19, 4:12 PM
Submitted 7/28/19, 4:12 PM