Thank you for your continued support of Stop Handgun Violence. We depend on generous supporters like you to help us continue to save lives and make Massachusetts a national model for gun violence prevention.
This year with your support:
- we engaged the new student movement with a student lobby day and town halls to hold our elected officials accountable.
- we supported the student-led 50 Miles More Massachusetts march from Worcester to Springfield, where we demanded that Smith and Wesson stop selling assault weapons and other guns outside of the state that are not allowed to be sold within the state.
- we executed our educational programs, including the creation and distribution of an advocacy tool kit and hosting a community advocacy training day.
- we passed the extreme risk protection order “Red Flag” bill in Massachusetts which allows family members and law enforcement to remove firearms when an individual is in crisis.
Please help us continue our proven and successful gun violence prevention work and give the gift of life again this coming year. Your ongoing support will help prevent gun violence and ensure that our communities remain safe for everyone.
Thank you and Happy Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza & Holidays to All!
The Stop Handgun Violence Team