At home? Watch “Activized” with us!

We are hosting ACTVIZED online on Wednesday April 8th @4pm(EST).

We are limited to 100 viewers – don’t miss out and sign up NOW!

Plus, join us for a post-film live Q&A with Vikiana Petit-homme, March For Our Lives Regional Director and Manuel Oliver, founder of Change the Ref.

Guns and COVID19

Governor Baker clarified at last week’s press conference that gun retailers are NOT listed as essential Massachusetts business during the COVID19 crisis.

In spite of his statement, there are gun dealers who are staying open in Middleborough and Worcester.



Gun sales soar

A record number of gun sales are happening now during the COVID19 crisis. U.S. Senators warn this surge could overwhelm the current Federal background check system, NICS.

Research has shown that more guns in the home create a greater safety risk, especially to situations of domestic violence and suicide.

For 24/7 support:
☎ National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Safe storage saves lives

Massachusetts is one of the few states that has a law for safe gun storage. As more children are at home, the risk of negligent gun access is even greater.

Save lives #lockitup




