Ensuring a full count of our population is vital to our communities and helps determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities every year – including in times of crisis, like the present. The Census also determines how many seats in Congress each state gets. After the 2010 census, Massachusetts lost a congressional seat. Stop Handgun Violence does not want to lose any Congressional Representatives that support common sense gun reform but we could if states that support gun safety do not get fully counted! That’s up to you!
It’s easy to complete the Census from your home. Here are your options:
- Online: The online response form can be accessed here.
- Phone: The census questionnaire can be completed by phone in English at (844) 330-2020 or in 12 other languages.
- Mail: About 20% of households received a paper questionnaire with an invitation to respond online.
Don’t delay – respond by April 1st!
Sign up here to reserve your space for next week Wednesday April 8th.
Essential Business?
After NRA lobbying efforts, new language has been added by the current administration to include the Firearms industry as essential business for COVID19 crisis.
Previously-designated critical industries include energy, food production, emergency services, government, transportation and healthcare. Important to note that the list is only an advisory for state and local governments. Pennsylvania, Maine, New Jersey, California, and Denver have deemed gun stores as non-essential.
Read MORE.
The SHV Team is trying to contribute however they can to help stop the virus spread. Sonya found unused masks leftover from our graffiti student art project last year and donated them to local COVID19 hospital personnel. From self-distancing to working from home, we can all play an important role to ride out the crisis and help stop the spread!
Managing Stress
These are difficult times and it’s important to self care. Some ideas to manage your stress:
- Take care of your body with daily exercise and healthy eating.
- Take a break from the news and switch off screens once in awhile.
- Connect with others with your concerns and feelings.
- Make time to unwind and do something you enjoy everyday!