Meet Barbara, a founding Board Member.
Why did you choose to serve on the Stop Handgun Violence Board?
In the mid ‘90s Boston and many other communities were experiencing a huge increase in gun violence. It was a growing problem and an issue that both John Rosenthal and I felt passionate about. We wanted to create awareness of the danger of handguns in our communities and also drive policy advocacy.
What is your most memorable Stop Handgun Violence event?
Most memorable event for me was the unveiling of the very first SHV billboard.
Has gun violence personally impacted you?
No, but we cannot wait to be personally impacted by gun violence to take a stand and demand action on an issue that has affected millions of other Americans.
What’s your favorite Massachusetts destination?
Ballston Beach, Truro
Fun fact:
I have amazing “Parking Karma”. First discovered when I drove from Providence, RI to in Bethel, NY to attend “Woodstock” (Yes, that Woodstock!). I got a great parking space ¼ mile from the entrance to the music festival.
Celebrate Barbara’s work to end gun violence and join us at our 25th Anniversary party on October 24, 2019.