Gun Reform Update: On Instagram

Get on Instagram and follow @StopHandguns and @MFOLBoston! Hear from March For Our Lives: Boston youth on Friday night Instagram live streams beginning this week on April 12th.

What’s ahead:

  • April 20 (Sat) March For Our Lives Pioneer Valley launch first meeting in Northampton.
  • April 22 (Mon) March For Our Lives:Springfield fundraiser.
  • April 25 (Thur) Support Stop Handgun Violence at the 91% private screening with film director, John Richie.
  • May 12 (Sun) Walk with MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence at the LDB Peace Walk.

Across Our Nation

In 2017, gun violence caused 20% of deaths aged 15-24 years old.

Does the presence of armed security deter school shootings?

Retire the term “Red Flag Bill”.

Semiautomatic rifles linked to more deaths and injuries.

CDC estimates of gun injuries reported inaccurate.

Bullets matter when people kill people.

John Hopkins accepting applications for Summer Youth Institute on gun violence.

Massachusetts Gun Violence Prevention & Other States

Operation Lipstick officially opens action center in Boston.

States with weak gun laws foster crimes here.

A Mattapan grandmother is another senseless gun violence victim.

What’s next for gun reform laws in Massachusetts?

In Arizona, a road rage shooting takes a life of a ten year old.

Four college students shot near Florida A&M University campus.

A Florida bill arming teachers may include amendment to allow parents to remove their child from their class.

Indianapolis police officer kept his firearms after victim report abuse.

A middle school student in Louisiana arrested for threatening a school shooting.

New Mexico’s Governor signs domestic violence protective order bill to remove firearms.

Pittsburgh bans assault rifles and high capacity magazines.

Texas representative cancels committee hearing on constitutional carry.

The Gun Industry Rounds

Debunking the Gun Lobby’s myths on Extreme Risk Laws.

The NRA is going global.

Guns Down America rate banks on their financial services for the NRA.


Watch a private screening, engage in a panel discussion with film director, John Richie, and buy limited edition T-shirts to support Stop Handgun Violence on April 25th!