Gun Reform Update: Words Matter

We agree with Grandparents Aganist Gun Violence that words matter! Use their handy thesaurus the next time you shoot the breeze, or in other words, have a chat.

What’s ahead:

  • Jan 15 -23 (Wednesdays) Lobby days for gun safety at the Rhode Island State Capitol
  • Jan 15-April 9 Exhibit Guns: Loaded Conversations at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell.
  • Feb 28 (Thursday) MFOL new student Marlborough chapter kick off meeting at the Marlborough Library.
  • Mar 28 (Thursday) MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence Peace MVP Award.

Gun Violence Prevention Across the Nation

The ins and outs of H.R.8 for universal backgrounds checks.

Diane Feinstein introduces S.66, Assault Weapons Ban.

The role of domestic violence often missed in mass shootings.

Stanford University research shows strict gun laws correlates to lower firearm deaths in youth.

University of Michigan receives largest NIH grant in 20 years for gun violence study on firearm safety.

The argument for or against federal universal background checks.

Massachusetts and Other States

Boston Mayor Walsh supports a law requiring doctors to ask patients about gun safety.

Maine Governor Mills not interested in universal backgrounds checks.

NH legislature expects three gun reform bills; and includes closing the gun sale loophole.

Some NH lawmakers refuse to accept the ban of firearms on the House floor.

Families from Sandy Hook, Connecticut win a legal proceeding against Infowars, Alex Jones.

California may consider a bill to limit firearm purchases to one per month.

In Florida, stand your ground laws expand to police officers.

In Ohio, a kindergartner brings a gun to school.

Penn State Theatre creates #HereToo production for gun violence survivors and activists.

South Carolina legislatures want to impose a 7% gun tax to fund school resource officers.

Utah considers gun storage laws to reduce suicide.

Washington looks at assault weapons and ghost gun bans in 2019.

The NRA Rounds

NRA accused of campaign violations supporting Republicans.

CEO of Sig Sauer in New Hampshire faces prison in Germany for alleged illegal arms deals.