Lisa Capone

Meet Lisa, who recently joined as a Board Member this year.

Why did you choose to serve on the Stop Handgun Violence Board?

Working in my previous position with Slowey/McManus Communications on SHV projects, I have seen firsthand the organization’s dedication to its vital mission, and its effectiveness. In that time – just a few short years – the frequency of gun violence has escalated at a frightening pace. It’s unacceptable and preventable. SHV is right to hold our national leaders’ feet to the fire on this and I’m proud to support it.

What is your most memorable Stop Handgun Violence campaign?

The Concert Across America to End Gun Violence

What’s your favorite Massachusetts destination?

Toss up between Fenway Park and Crane Beach!

Fun fact:

I have met (and interviewed!) Jane Goodall.

Celebrate Lisa’s work to end gun violence and join her at our 25th Anniversary party on October 24, 2019.