Thank you so much for your past support of Stop Handgun Violence.
With your help, we have made Massachusetts the gun violence prevention capital of the United States and we’ve saved countless lives! In fact, as the Boston Globe has editorialized, if every state had the same low gun death rate as Massachusetts, over 27,000 more lives could be saved each year.
As we work to replicate our effective gun laws and regulations nationwide, we are also actively involved in mentoring young activists and supporting the rapidly growing student movement.
This spring we hosted the first New England regional student summit in partnership with Boston University School of Public Health and March for Our Lives. The summit brought together students from across New England to learn, practice skills and network. Using skills learned at the summit, we helped students organize including a summer ARTivism project as part of the nationwide Gun Violence Awareness Day.
In the Fall, we celebrated our 25th anniversary. We could not have sustained this effort without your help and your commitment for the past quarter of a century. We are extremely thankful and proud of the work we did together over the last 25 years, including:
- Passing the nation’s most comprehensive and effective gun laws in Massachusetts, including renewable licensing and registration for all gun sales.
- Banning assault weapons, high capacity magazines and Bump Stocks in the Commonwealth.
- Creating a nationwide grassroots public awareness campaign, the Concert Across America to End Gun Violence, that has included over 7,000 performers at 500 events in 43 states.
- Reducing the rate of gun deaths in the Commonwealth by 40% and proved the NRA’s worst nightmare—gun laws save lives without banning most guns.
But we’re not done yet.
In the coming year, we’ll continue to be a leader for effective gun violence prevention and fight for rational evidence based gun laws, in Massachusetts and federally. We’ll continue to educate our elected officials, business people and the public about how they can be part of the movement to end preventable gun violence and replicate our effective and proven gun safety laws. Our most recent collaboration, #BusinessMustAct aims to hold Corporate America accountable using the Gun Safety Certified Mark that we helped develop with our partners, Change the Ref and Guns Down.
Please donate today to help us continue this life-saving work.
Thank you again and we can’t do this work without you!
John Rosenthal, co-founder and the SHV Team