SHV Applauds Mass. Legislature for Taking Quick Action on Bump Stocks

Stop Handgun Violence Applauds Commonwealth Legislature for Taking Quick Action on Bump Stocks

Boston, MA – Last night, the Massachusetts State Legislature passed a first-in-the-nation ban on the sale of bump stocks in response to the Las Vegas domestic terrorist attack that left 58 dead and over 500 wounded.

“We applaud the Massachusetts State Legislature for taking quick action on bump stocks,” said Stop Handgun Violence founder John Rosenthal. “Massachusetts has been a national leader on gun violence prevention with the most effective gun laws and the lowest gun fatality rate in the nation. We’re proud of the Commonwealth for continuing this legacy through this first in the nation bump stock ban. We urge Governor Baker to sign this legislation.

“However, we hope that the Legislature goes beyond a ban on bump stocks this session. The Extreme Risk Protection Order bill, which had hearings in July, is still sitting in committee and would protect Bay Staters during a mental health crisis by providing their family members a process to remove guns. We hope that the bump stock ban is just the first step of many for the Legislature in protecting public safety this session.”

Stop Handgun Violence supporters are urged to click here to email their State Representative. Tell them to prioritize Extreme Risk Protection Orders. We must keep up this momentum.


Stop Handgun Violence (SHV) is a Massachusetts based non-profit organization committed to the prevention of gun violence through education, public awareness, effective law enforcement and common sense gun laws. SHV has been the lead advocate in Massachusetts for enactment of the most effective gun violence prevention laws and first in the nation consumer protection regulations. The organization does not seek to restrict Constitutional rights, but advocates only for common sense legislation that will help save lives. For more information, go to