Why I march- by Vikiana

Students will be convening on August 22nd for a 50 mile walk across Massachusetts for gun violence prevention.
Below, Vikiana, a rising senior at Boston Latin Academy, writes why she is marching for gun violence prevention:
“I march because others can not. I march for those who have been killed in their classroom, on their walk home, at a movie theater. I march for those who took their lives with a gun, I march for those who were accidentally shot. I march because I can and others cannot.
Here in Massachusetts we pride ourselves on our strong gun laws. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have one of the lowest gun death rates. But how can we be proud when there is a company like Smith & Wesson operating here. A company whose currency is blood. The blood of the students in Parkland, the victims of Aurora and San Bernardino and countless more. While most the guns they manufacture are not legally able to be distributed in Massachusetts, that doesn’t stop them from distributing them out of state and taking lives elsewhere. They continue to be a part of a problem that they do not even acknowledge.
I march because enough is enough. I march because it’s time Smith and Wesson took accountability for their problems and started becoming part of the solution.”
You can read more students’ blogs on the “Why I March” page.


Students wishing to join the movement, can sign up to walk here: https://50milesmore.org/march-ma/

Adults may volunteer here: http://bit.ly/50mmmVolunteer

Sponsor a walker by donating here.

Join us at the rally on August 26th in front of Smith and Wesson: Facebook event page

Support the students by purchasing the official march t-shirt: https://www.bonfire.com/50-miles-more-ma/